Sunday, February 19, 2012

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon

Initial layout of the table.

Captain Brittles leading wagons, the women and troops to the stage station.

Approaching the stage station. They see it is under attack.

                                                      Holding off the indians.

                                       Elsewhere, Mr. Rinders is bringing rifles to the hostiles.

                                                                Red Shirt's braves.

                                       Indians coming over the hill to attack the stage station.

                                             Lt. Cohill brings his company in to line.

                                                               MORE INDIANS!!!!!!!!

Lt. Pinnel goes after Mr. Rinders and the wagon as Cohill heads off to find the Paradise River Patrol leaving Captain Brittles to relieve the stage station.

                                                  Indians closing in from every direction.

                                                              An overview of the table.

                          Mr. Rinders makes it to the river but not before being caught by Lt. Pinnel.

     Three sixes rolled......three troopers shot! Of course on their saving throw, two survived.

  With Rinders at the river, the indian village is in sight of the cavalry and is placed on the table.

                                       Braves attack Pinnel's command. They need those rifles.

As the indians attack Pinnel, Cohill continues his search for the Paradise River Patrol as Captain Brittles is attacked at the stage station.

                                                      Yet another band of warriors.

                                   Captain Brittle's command get ready to battle the red devils!

Lt. Cohill brings his company in to line yet again.

After beating back the indians, Captain Brittles sends the women and children back to Fort Stark with a small escort.

A view of the indians baring down on Lt. Pinnel and the wagon full of rifles.

Meanwhile the indians have attacked the women and their escort.

The first indian assault fails and the indians are driven off.

After they rally, the indians attack again. After driving off the wagon and the children and wiping out the troopers the indians capture Miss Dandridge and her escort.


Brittles fails and the women are still in the hands of the savages.

Lt. Cohill chasing down a war party.

Meanwhile, Pinnel and his troops are attacked and lose the rifles to Red Shirt's braves.

Whatever has become of the Paradise River Patrol?...............

The indians return to the village victorious with their captives in tow.

What's left of Cohill's command makes a hasty retreat with a war party in hot pursuit.

And all that is left for the Paradise River Patrol to do is save the last bullet for themselves!

Fear not for at this very moment a defeated Captain Brittles has made it back to Fort Stark and is planning his next campaign to save Miss Dandridge and her escort from the clutches of Red Shirt and his braves!